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    Nub As Mouse.

    I was watching the recent videos by EvilDragon covering basic OS info and I wondered if it would be possible to use the left nub to move the cursor. It'd be very similar to the mouse nubs on laptops. If you didn't always want to pull out the stylus I think this would be useful.
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    SheevaPlug This is interesting. What would you do with something like this?
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    Best bluetooth keyboard?

    What do you folks think the best bluetooth keyboard for the p&|a would be?
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    Release Enhanced PSX graphics?

    Hello all, This is my first post, however I've been watching the forums a while now and am eagerly anticipating my Pandora. I just wanted to post this old ePSXe link and ask about the possibility of enhanced graphics with the Pandora PSX emulator. I’m aware that emulation on the Pandora will...