Search results

  1. J

    Kill Bill Problems Help!!!

    i get the same - and like you - out of all the mods this one really called my attention the most! :) I have a bad feeling we might have to wait unitl another update... hope not... Good Luck!
  2. J

    Game Maker .. Anyone Interested?

    I would offer up the graphics from Kit's ABC adventure (to skeezix) if this would help you. I made the graphics for it to show up on a 320x240 screen (except the tiles I believe). I'd love to see (or if time permits - make) a version of Kit's ABC Adventure for GP32. If you are wondering -...
  3. J

    GP32 Who wants Abuse for Gp32?

    I had originally added a post on this site asking if anyone would port it. I'm working on sequel to this game - meaning I really like it. As far as the controls I think that I gave to ideas for the controls in that post - I'm just dropping by before work, thus I can't get into looking for...
  4. J

    Best rpg?

    Whoops - sorry! :)
  5. J

    Best rpg?

    Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 3)! I'm not all that big of a fan of RPGs, but this game is awesome - and the best graphics on the SNES, IMHO.
  6. J

    Metal gear solid resets gp32 under GPVGB011

    Well, I'm glad that I'm not the only one that's MGS gameplay has been paralyzed at the Elevetor... :) That game is great, but I've stopped until an update for the emulator comes out because of the same prob.
  7. J

    GP32 Here are some lame screenshots

    That looks great! I love pixel art, so if there's any help you might need for a misc sprite or baddie here and there I'd be more than glad to help. I think I might be able to mimic your style... ;) Check out my site - though there is very (like one piece or two) pixel art examples for an...
  8. J

    What happened to the new fNES???

    Is there a site for this competition? Woohoo! More reasons for people to port emulators!!!
  9. J

    What happened to the new fNES???

    Wasn't it announced that it was going to come out either last week or the week before that? There hasn't been any news since that announcement - I wonder what happened. Obviously, I'm looking forward to it!
  10. J

    flash player

    This is kinda cool! If gamepark is making one that is. I was thinking about learning programming in fladh in order to make games - there are a few tutorials on making tile based games using it. :) Let us hope it'll be part of the bios.rom!
  11. J


    Thanks for the compliments! Well, the programmer wasn't doing his job. Since the other guy (that was doing textures) didn't know how to code too well - I bailed - which really bothered me to do because I spend 7 month on the project and had nothing but high hopes for it... You should hear...
  12. J


    Funny, I actually posted a request for someone to port this game to the gp32 a while ago. I was working on the 3D sequel up until 2 weeks ago when I realized that certain members (doing coding that I can't do) where not doing their job. I spend 7 months designing and coming up with story -...
  13. J

    Macintosh GP32 Problem, Please help!

    I don't know if this will help, but a similar problem happened to me... I formatted my smc on a PC (no choice) and I basically coppied the smc to my hard drive, just incase. My Gp32 messed up it's smc, so I thought I was screwed (no more access to the PC). I just copied the GAME folder back...
  14. J

    How often do you use your GP32?

    Every day! And I really don't have any time for this, but it fills every unbusy moment I get! :)
  15. J

    fNES32 - new NES emu at full speed with sound!

    This Rlyeh guy is a badass! Great work!
  16. J

    How fast is GPengine?

    Why do I feel a bit left out here... i'm trying to play Bonk 3 and the speeds are pretty slow - not syper slow, but not full speed. Why is that? Actually with a bunch of games it's about the same speed...
  17. J

    What happened to Radium?

    bastards! I'll send them an email and see if I can convince them to release it for the gp32! thanks
  18. J

    What happened to Radium?

    It looked really promising, but for some reason the gp32 version has pretty much disappeared... does anyone know if it's coming out any time soon?
  19. J

    Easier to port emulators - including MAME

    These emulators have been written for Acron. Being that Acorn uses an ARM processor these might be optimized for it, so that it'll be easier to port and run better than emulators ported from PC. I believe that there are no source codes here, but it shouldn't be to hard to contact the coders...
  20. J

    for those writing emulators

    Actually, the dreamcast runs at 200mhz (my mistake), but the arm processor IS the main processor. The sound is processed through a 32bit Yamaha SISP chip. So, in the end this could actually help to write emulators for the gp32. My friend's quote, "Also, a very functional snes emulator called...