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  1. Giepi

    A news outlet for open consoles

    Thanks! I try my best :)
  2. Giepi

    A news outlet for open consoles

    Hello everyone! Since a couple of years (maybe more, dunno), I started tweeting all the news I could find (and select) about Open Source gaming consoles like the pandora (well, it's still mostly about the pandora) because I thought it could be useful to the broader community to have a single...
  3. Giepi

    Smaller, Cheaper, Faster than the Pandora

    I sent some days ago a mail to this guy telling him that his minicomputer would REALLY suit better as a Emulator Console than a "educational" device. At least in a world where not every child will just start making hardware and games because he sees such a jewel. And I pointed out that it does...
  4. Giepi

    you know what would be totally awesome?

    Let's check 'em when there will be like a 100 thousand Pandoras in the Wild :-D Basically it's a niche too small for them to be interested, you should update your dream with this condition. However, like you said, a man can dream...
  5. Giepi

    [VERY Ot] Which Distro?

    I tried yesterday the FreeBSD website, but was discouraged because everywhere it read "We are perfect for webservers!" "With 8 cores you make great SQL Servers!" Which is not my case :) So for now I rolled back to linux... It's sad that the only inviting site is the ubuntu one. If you just...
  6. Giepi

    [VERY Ot] Which Distro?

    Frankly the problem I've seen with Gentoo is that the application were like twice slower than my gentoo compiled ones, because they were just compiled with EVERYTHING turned on. Or maybe it was the lack of tuning. I dunno I want to tune, but Once, when setting up my system. Not every single...
  7. Giepi

    [VERY Ot] Which Distro?

    Hello everyone, I've never been a pro linux user. Mind me, I've been using linux since the beginning of time, and by beginning of times I'm saying like 9 years ago. Which is near the beginning of time if you believe in some weird religion about the Y2K bug. However, after a little...
  8. Giepi

    After all that time... I'm done

    I think you have a point, but remember that the whole Pandora experience is community based, and while the core devs made a hard and wonderful job making a tight fit vest for the Pandora, it will be up to the community expanding it, like mostly happen with most linux distros where other people...
  9. Giepi

    Humble Indie Bundle

    Leaving aside the cranked down flame, I was gifted myself with this bundle, like I was with the Indie Bundle 2 and... I must say that Trine is freaking Awesome! And saying Awesome I mean like Awesomest! If you value this bundle very little, then pay for it very little, but let's keep this...
  10. Giepi

    pandora enhancing add ons

    Well, via usb you can get GPS and let's not forget about Retrode :)
  11. Giepi

    Pandora 2 talk?????

    If I read trends right, the only sure thing about Pandora II is that it will be by far more powerful than Wii II
  12. Giepi

    News Aggregator

    Ok, so far I've aggregated 16 news sources and 12 twitter accounts, I've made the first news and tomorrow I'll see if I can get some better looking graphics. The problem now is making people know this mmmh...
  13. Giepi

    News Aggregator

    Er sorry, I don't think I'm following you
  14. Giepi

    News Aggregator

    What the hell, I'm trying. It could be a nice way to "give back to the community" offering maybe a service if someone isn't willing a hour a day just to get up to date. I've created which I know that right now it's quite rough. I'm starting systematically...
  15. Giepi

    News Aggregator

    Yep, but the Stalker is only about pandora itself, I'm aiming at this Open Handheld Scene entirely and I want to let pass only (what I think it's) important news... Edit: although of course the Stalker would be one of my primary sources :-D
  16. Giepi

    News Aggregator

    Hi everyone, even since it looks like I'm a new user (and tbh this is what I am) I'm a long time lurker. By long time I'm not saying I'm following the pandora since day0, but sort of. In this years I've dedicated myself a fair amount of time reading blogs, twitter, rss feeds and so on not...
  17. Giepi

    A Community For Ipod Touch?

    I could, but I didn't... I visited the aforementioned community, but it doesn't look so updated :(
  18. Giepi

    A Community For Ipod Touch?

    Hello fellow openconsole lover, being in the need of a mp3 player, after having bought my first one ever as a cheap ass chinese rip off while in New Delhi and being almost instantly disappointed by it, I opted for the best one available this time and I aimed directly for the iPod touch 4g. The...
  19. Giepi

    Ds Lite Vs Dingoo

    Well the only thing it could interest me is the sub woofer they claim to have added, I wonder if it change at all the experience... So are you suggesting a good choice would be DS Lite with an old stile cartridge?
  20. Giepi

    Ds Lite Vs Dingoo

    I am sure that PSP is powerfull enough for gba but it costs a lot and lacks original games as the DS does, and for that price I'd rather go for an open source console May I ask why wouldn't go for a DSi in its 2 various forms? Given, of course, that I too feel that way...