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  1. IAmCorbin

    Help! Wiz Hanging On Boot

    This is no good, I had been playing a couple homebrew games downloaded from the OpenHandhelds Wiz file archive and then turned off my Wiz, tried to turn it back on and now it is hanging on the GP2X Wiz Whatever you want QPlus Embedded! loading screen and not getting past it, no menu no nothing...
  2. IAmCorbin

    Sdl Joystick Test Program

    Hello everyone, I just stayed up all night coding my first little Wiz program. It is a simple SDL_Joystick test. I made some GIMP graphics for it and added music to test SDL_Mixer as well. Feel free to download it and check out the source. I hope anyone getting started with Wiz development or...
  3. IAmCorbin

    Caanoo / WIZ Simple Openwiz Toolchain Tutorial?

    Hello everyone, I just received a Wiz as a present and have spent a lot of my time over the past couple months learning SDL and OpenGL on Ubuntu Linux. I would love to start developing for the Wiz but I am having trouble getting started. I was wondering if someone who is already up and running...