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  1. jimlefevre

    Sadness but life must go on.

    Receiving the email yesterday saying that OpenPandora UK had gone into liquidation was sad but inevitable. I just wanted to say that, having backed the project and spending my money back in October 2009 and never having received my Pandora, there is an obvious sadness to the news. I've not been...
  2. jimlefevre

    Gizmondo help anyone?!

    Having got a wee bit frustrated with the wait I went and bought a Gizmondono off ebay. It's a funny little thing. What's satisfying is knowing what will eventually come on the Pandora is leagues ahead of this thing, even holding it (the Gizmondo) and not even having a Pandora in my hands you...
  3. jimlefevre

    Linux and Pandora - compatibility from a newb

    As an utter Linux Newb but a passionate Pandorite who is yet to receive their hallowed order I'm spending a lot of my time bookmarking and downloading things ready for the day it arrives. My main interest is primarily the games world and feel fairly up to speed with the emulators and games...