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  1. S

    just a few ?

    Will GP32 ever be released in UK, US and the other thing will this ever be supported By proffesional Devs not that im saying theres anything wrong with all the community work going on some of its ace but its always nice to see dev houses on board
  2. S

    Duke Nukem 3D

    I was actually talking about a thread to do with Duke but thanks anyway :huh:
  3. S

    Duke Nukem 3D

    Anychance of a quik link :D
  4. S

    So what do you watch?

    dont worry once i get my Gp ill be watching a hella lot o porn
  5. S

    Duke Nukem 3D

    sorry if there is a thread on this already but with Doom being available on GP, would it be possible for a port of Duke man that would be kickass wouldnt it