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  1. N

    Fw 1.06 No Longer Remembers Wifi Access Points/pw?

    okeydoke. thank you for your reply!
  2. N

    Fw 1.06 No Longer Remembers Wifi Access Points/pw?

    So, I tried asking this question in a bunch of other threads, but I didn't really hear anyone else with the same problem. For those of you with Firmware v. 1.06, do you have to enter your password every single time you connect to your router? Like, I mean the same router you always connected...
  3. N

    Caanoo Firmware Update V1.0.6

    So, I'm able to connect to my wifi network fine, but is anyone else having to re-enter the password every single time? With fw 1.01 I only had to do this once, and then it remembered. jeez. Am I doing something wrong?
  4. N

    Caanoo Firmware Update V1.0.6

    I had the same issue with WEP. For now, you should just try using WPA (not WPA2). I'm assuming you're using the official wifi dongle.
  5. N

    Gender Adaptor?

    Yeah, maybe i'll try that... lol they're out of stock now, apparently there are a bunch of people like me who just bought it cause it looked like something important/useful...
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    I Want To Buy It, But I Have Questions About The Analog Stick

    yes, played street fighter alpha 2. it's fun, but again, controls are annoying if you don't get them just right, and the emulator is still slow. hopefully that stuff will get fixed at some point.
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    I Want To Buy It, But I Have Questions About The Analog Stick

    I don't know, but most Caanoo software still seems immature. For instance, you'll want to throw your Caanoo (and its joystick) out the window if you play fighting games on the CPS2 emulator, but I'm pretty sure it's just poorly implemented in the emulator and not a direct result of the joystick...
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    Gender Adaptor?

    Play Asia link I ordered this sort of um, on a whim, since I needed a second wifi dongle for my second caanoo. Which is backordered at play-asia, i should mention... the black and blue ones.. I don't want 2 white ones, you know what I mean? Anyway, um... I don't know what this does. My initial...
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    Sdl_Net For Host Absent In Official Gph Sdk?

    Well, it's not really a problem anymore since I just compiled SDL_net for linux and linked in the makefile, but you have SDL_net in your DGE/lib/host directory? I downloaded every "official" one i could find and none of them had it there, only in DGE/lib/target. oh well, whatever.
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    Fight Demo

    have some early synchronized play over wifi to show: more to come. time to go to bed! thanks!
  11. N

    Fight Demo

    ah ha! Thank you! [ media ] tags, not [ tube ]. got it.
  12. N

    Caanoo / WIZ Caanoo Controls Info

    With diagonals:
  13. N

    Sdl_Net For Host Absent In Official Gph Sdk?

    for the 10.08 SDK, if you look in DGE/lib/target, you will find libSDL_net files, but there are no counterparts in the DGE/lib/host directory. Just thought that was weird. Going to just install SDL_net for linux and then just link against that for my host builds.. There's no DGE example using...
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    Fight Demo

    Thank you! No, I am not using a physics engine, I did it using timers and some math. I have no effing clue how i'm going to do AI, I'm going to try to get network play working before that, haha. Yeah, I couldn't get the video to embed properly. Says to put the url in between [ tube ] tags...
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    Fight Demo

    Hello, I've been working on a fighting game in SDL for about a year or so. Here's a short video: [UPDATE: WiFi! ][/media] blog I figured it was a little too early to release the binary, there isn't that much to do, but I figured it was worth a...
  16. N

    Wifi Connectivity On Caannoo?

    Hmm... okay i'll try that. Thanks.
  17. N

    Wifi Connectivity On Caannoo?

    I reconfigured my router to use WEP instead of WPA, but it looks like it can only handle WEP-64??? I tried to enter in my password for WEP-128 (26 hex digits) and it would not let me enter the last 3 or 4 characters... Anyone else have this issue? I'm guessing (praying/hoping) that this will...
  18. N

    Wifi Connectivity On Caannoo?

    open a network socket, homie. whooooo
  19. N

    Wifi Connectivity On Caannoo?

    Got my caanoo today, and i'm having the same problem joining a WPA2 Personal network using the GPH caanoo wifi dongle. Today is the 15th... maybe a firmware update today???