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  1. kikendo

    Tv-Out: What Am I Doing Wrong?

    I downloaded the TV switcher app from the file repository, and I did manage to get some emu running in fullscreen (UAE4ALL) but I tried Picodrive and otehrs after that, and all I got was a garbled scren. Can anyone help this n00b out? Thanks!
  2. kikendo

    Caanoo A/v Cable?

    Hello again, I got a GP2X with an S-Video cable. Is this cable compatible with the Caanoo? It seems to fit in the EXT port but I don't have an S-Video capable TV to test it.
  3. kikendo

    Caanoo Protective Pouch?

    Hey people! Does anyone know if any place is making and/or selling protective pouches for the Caanoo? I don't want that silicone rubber thingy, I want a pouch to slide the Caanoo in and carry around, much like tehse: If you are using something not specifically mad for the Caanoo but that...