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    GP32 Compilers Recognition

    Actually to compile correctly my OKF Font Engine yoy must use this compiler option in GCC: -mstructure-size-boundary=8 That means that all structures in the programa are 8 bit packed. That's not the best way. So I have found the in source compiler options (__attribute__ ((__packed__)) for GCC...
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    GP2X Color Scheme In Gp2x?

    I was just wondering if the color scheme of the GP2X is the same as on the GP32. I mean, if it's still a 16 bits colors, with 5 bits for each component and an intensity bit. I want to port my OKF Font Engine to SDL and need this info to optimize the rendering. I hope squidge or any other with...
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    C++ For Officials Sdks (arm & Windows)

    Well it seems that all is working correctly. Thanks to Una-i, Mr.Spiv and the others. Now you can now code for the official SDK in C++ for ARM with GCC or Windows with VC++6. I haven’t tried with .NET but it should work. You’ll find all you need on my...
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    GP32 Tutorials: How To Install Easily Gamepark Sdk

    A long, long time ago I promised I will prepare some tutorials to setup the Gamepark SDK as I use it. At last I've done it :) Here you can find 2 tutorials. One to setup devkitARM with the Gamepark SDK including 16 bits libs. A second one to setup VC++ 6 with Gamepark SDK for Windows. A test...
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    GP32 Can You Correct My Readme.txt?

    I have translated to english the Readme.txt of my game Pyramids 2 (will be the last version). Is there anybody so kind to have a look at it and correct it? PM me with your address and I will send you the file.
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    GP32 How To Detect The End Of A Music In Chn's Lib?

    In my game Pyramids 2 I've implemented a ring to play MODs randomly with CHN's lib. When all was finished and debugged and I played for a long time, I noted that CHN's lib plays the same melody eternally if you don't stop it intentionally. Is there a way to detect the end of a music? Oankali
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    GP32 Okf Font Engine Sources Released

    Find them in the Beta Testing forum. Oankali
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    Sources Of Okf Font Engine

    Yes, here there are, the sources of the OKF Font Engine and other sources needed by OKF Font Tester. There is even a configurable file selector that I’m sure you will like. The documentation is not yet finished, but I think programmers can start working with that. Some commentaries are in...
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    GP32 Gpfontmaker 2.0 W.i.p

    I’m working on version 2.0 of GPFontMaker. At first glance, the program seems to be the same, but in reality it contains new properties that allows you de generate fonts of a better quality (if we want to spent some time to post process the font with an image editor). To do that, now you can...
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    I've made public an utility named GPFontMaker v1.1.0 that I've programmed to help me in preparing fonts for my games. It allows you to take any TrueType font, post process it with you favourite image processor and export it to C source file(s). Actually it works only at 100% for 16bits fonts...