Search results

  1. S

    Which Handheld Should I Get?

    Thanks for all the replies everyone! I was sort of on the fence about the cannoo vs the dingoo the most, and now I'm thinking I'll probably get either a caanoo or wait for the GCW Zero that I just found out about yesterday. Overall I think the cannoo has better compatibility and would last...
  2. S

    Which Handheld Should I Get?

    I have been looking around the handheld emulator scene for awhile now and I've read about many consoles but I'm having a hard time deciding what I want. The consoles I'm most interested in are the: Wiz Cannoo Dingoo A320 or Dingoo A330 Yinlips YDPG16, YDPG18A I've been reading forums about all...