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  1. M

    Naruto & Road Rash Mods Working In Gp32

    Hi, i just downloaded the version of naruto off the gp32x file archive but i cant get the game to actually load, on the loading screen it comes up with a error saying something along the lines of "possible not enough memory to load" i think, cant remember just now and my gp32 is not here. I just...
  2. M

    Gpquake 0.4

    :( Could somebody please give me a link to any site which hosts a working .pak file i can use to try this game ive looked but i dont know what to look for and i only have 56k connection so dont want to waste hours downloading the wrong thing. Thank You
  3. M

    Naruto Mod

    i downloaded this mod and extracted the .pak file but it doesnt load up properly it stumbles at the following error loading level list from data/level is this a programing error apose to a gp32 error?
  4. M

    Monkey Island

    cool so any idea where i can download it or well i need to find my old cdrom?
  5. M

    Monkey Island

    Hello, Ive got the day of the tentacle demo working on my gp32 but would love to get the monkey island games running or beneath a steel sky does it work? any info would be great thanks.
  6. M

    Virtualdub 1.5.10 Settings

    Once you enter all the settings you want i.e make all the audio setting changes and set you fps and so on if you simply go to "save processor settings" terrafest and save as gp32 or whatever in a known directory then the next time you want to encode something you just go to load processor...
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    Gp32 On Tv?

    thats cool, i just read it quickly and got all excited how cool would that be
  8. M

    Gp32 On Tv?

    I was reading another forum section and i noticed somone cominted on maybe buying a dreamcast if your not happy with gp32 emulation on your tv. Can you link up the gp32 to a tv using the rf unit?
  9. M

    Paklist For Xmen?

    cheers, sorry about all the posts but you alwyas get a answer this way
  10. M

    Paklist For Xmen?

    hey its me again stumped by the next problem, do i need a paklist for the xmen mod i got the .pak file from the cdi
  11. M

    Xmen Mod, Where Can I Find?

    anybody know a url for the xmen mod for beats of rage looks solid :D
  12. M

    Virtual Dub Crap Audio

    cheers thank guys recommend any programs especially
  13. M

    Virtual Dub Crap Audio

    HI everyone, Just one question when im using virtual dub to put the film into gp32 format ive managed to get reasonable video playback but the sound is terrible its so fuzzy you cant hear anything. I just go to the wav source function and double click the movies wav file. Any suggestions for...
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    Audio Extraction From Dvd (ripping)

    Hi its me again, thought the board was a bit life less so might as well start a new post. Anybody know how to extract the audio part of a dvd out using dvd2avi or any other program, does it have to be converted to a .wav file. I got video to play back on my gp32 but i need to include a .wav...
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    Gp32 Dvd To Avi Help

    Thanks meandu229 its amazing being able to watch dvd's anywhere now, cheers
  16. M

    Gp32 Dvd To Avi Help

    Sorry if this anoys anyone butim pretty confused and help would be really appreciated. First question, when ripping a dvd do to avi ready for gp32 conversion do you have to include the audio. Ive used dvd2avi as found in a guide on videohelp but have only been able to change the video aspect to...
  17. M

    Completely Lost

    thanks raven i just got it working, its a amazing game and a really good conversion to gp32 cant think of any another games that are graphically nicer than it.
  18. M

    Completely Lost

    Hello ebowers (seems most likely to be you who will reply) I made a paklist.txt and put it into the bordata directory and it comes up with STOP! Magic read err! you got any ideas? thank you
  19. M

    Completely Lost

    so any ideas where i get the paklist.txt ? a