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  1. R

    The Race Is On!

    the point, mr twit being that i'm not so sure the wireless function will see much use, so i wait to see it in action (and in numbers) before i praise it
  2. R

    The Race Is On!

  3. R

    The Race Is On!

    I admit, I am a homebrew/emu Gamer but that does not mean that my list is useless to the casual buy-new-game-every-month Gamer. Nor should it neglect to mention those little quirks that our homebrew niche finds so important. What would be the point of me putting up a list that my crowd will find...
  4. R

    The Race Is On!

    please provide a link so i could check out the specs
  5. R

    The Race Is On!

    but the PSp does support memory stick, which presumably will enable some outside development. i am still unsure as to how much use the wireless option will get... and i would not advise anyone to buy a gaming platform solely becuse it has wireless connection, espesially before the platform...
  6. R

    What is your avatar of?

    DarkSeed 2 completely unexpected instadeath (a definately 'endearing' quality in bad advanture games)
  7. R

    The Race Is On!

    thanks lizard808uk! i'll add your stuff now ronnieB EDIT: could you send me a link which explains about DAA signing? i want to add this only when i will understand everything it entails.
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    The Race Is On!

    Daz_Genetic, would you be kind enoth to post a url to where you got the information? none of the place i checked menciond a usb link... ronnieB
  9. R

    The Race Is On!

    the DS is the only platform in this list which is unable to link to a pc, so in comparison to the other competitors is a 'con' in addition, this list is not ment to reflect a 'good console vs. bad console' but merly to reflact the indevidual strenghs and weaknessess of each and thus making it...
  10. R

    The Race Is On!

    For the benefit of all I have compiled this short list. Please feel free to correct me or add info ------consoles--------- PSp - $199.99 (subject to change) PROS - will probably have a large game base; widescreen resolution for movies. CONS - the wide...
  11. R

    Freeciv For Palmos

    the snes version fits the gp ruther well, but it has two nagging issues: 1. 'retranslated' engrish - from the japanese version 2. no civilopedia (you can check units and buildings at the city menu, but that's it) i second the notion to port freeciv! ronnieB
  12. R

    A Nintendo Ds Picture

    'darkseed 2' actually, pubjoe i figured i deserved a prize for completing that aweful game, so i ripped it from one of the movie files :) ronnieB
  13. R

    A Nintendo Ds Picture

    I for one intend to wait untill the smoke clears before i choose, IF i choose (the gp gets more and more resons to stay). having said that, i admit to favor the psp more- better hardware, pc connection and better target audience in mind (nintendo keeps pumping kiddy games recently) ronnieB
  14. R

    Most wanted

    mmm, no time to check if this game has been requsted.... Zangband