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  1. A

    Well I Just Got My Gp32

    the genesis emulation on the gp32 is amazing. Snes is alright and playable in some games but for the most part it is pretty slow and nowhere near the quality of As far as nes emulation goes you should try out little john it's a pretty good nes emu. I pretty much play nothing elese on the...
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    Firmware Updated, Functionality Halfed.

    The gp2x runs mplayer!!! thats pretty cool. I wish I had the cash to purchaseone just to mess around with it. Oh well I guess I'll just have to stick to my gp32 for now.
  3. A Help

    Yeah it's more of an issue of drmd not emulating these buttons so you can't really play those games.
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    GPfight was my favorite gp32 game. I had one of the original gp32's with no light and I had alot of the gp32 games. I think that gpfight was a bit under rated. I really enjoyed playing it but when my original gp32 was stolen I lost the game with it. I have since been looking for it but havn't...
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    Best Vertical Shooters

    you're both right it came out on dreamcast and then gamecube shortly after.
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    Um... Lcd On The Bottom Row Should Be Up Top

    People gave the blu gp32 with the screen problem the name blu+. If your unit has this line it is concidered a blu+ if there is no line it is one of the first blu's and is simply called a blu unit.
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    Good Bye Gp32

    Apparently they only have about 100 units left and no more will be produced. I know the gp2x is on it's way but is still makes me kinda sad to hear that the gp32 is dead.
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    Will It Be Networkable?

    Man if this thing can some how be connected to a wifi access point and runs linux that would be amazing. Just imagine a small device that could be used to connect to a mythtv backend to watch live cable tv. My laptop works well for this right now. I can get live cable tv to stream to it...
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    More Xgp Pics
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    Encode Videos For Gpcinema2 In Linux

    I have run virtual dub in wine and it works perfectly, Your best bet is to get it going in wine then install a few codec packs. I also got a version going which allowed me to convert my shows recorded in mythtv to a gp32 format. I found that it worked well with little or no buggyness.
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    Fixing Rss Feed

    RSS feeds choke one certain charactors, in this topic title. Developing Environment On Windows XP, devkitARM & Mr. Mirko's SDK The RSS feed is getting messed up because of the , between XP and devkit. If that where taken out the feed would probably work alright.
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    Which Mp3 Player?

    I use gpmad or whatever it's called, it works amazingly well.
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    Saving Gbcolor Games (harvest Moon)

    I figured, sorry about my ass hole response.
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    Saving Gbcolor Games (harvest Moon)

    Zsnes? yeah that emulator rocks it plays full speed with full sound and transparencies and has sram and save states on my computer. Your computer must be really old and you must be using a really out dated version of that emulator. It's too bad there is no zsnes port on the gp32 and I don't...
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    What Happened To???

    Cool I want to buy gpfight again. I had it on my old gp32 and it was by far the most addictling comercial gp32 game I have ever played and I owned most of them at one point. Her Knight gets alot of attention and is a great game but i still think gp fight is the best commercail game and has been...
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    Which Type Of Gp32?

    Had an nlu years ago it was stolen then bought a flu which was probably one of the last gp32's lik-sang sold right around christmas time. I love the flu, I'm sure the blu's screen is better but after owning a nlu I am really enjoying the light on the flu. It works great in the drak and looks...
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    F-day Poll

    I am really looking forward to fnes. I remember hearing a lot about this emulator and expecting it to be released right around the time that little john was released. I love the nes it is probably my favorite console ever. I remember a time when nes emulation on the gp32 was pretty bad. There...
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    GP32 Can You Guys Help Make A Gp32 Game For Me?

    Since you just want people to make rehashes of already existing games with subject matter that is of little intrest to anyone other than you I doubt you will find anyone willing to help you with this. If you are that interested in acctually being in a game then you should look into coding them...
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    How To Install Smc Games?

    Yes you can run these demos on the geepee emulator on your computer. .smc files are smc card images and are not made to be run on a real gp32.
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    Blocky Output In Gpcinema

    This is deffinatly a problem with how you are encoding your video files. I have no blocky problems at all, but video that is encoded at a lower bitrate will tend to get more fuzzy and blocky so mess with that a little and see how it comes out.