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  1. N

    New Osnes9x Crashes

    For me OpenSnes9x is still unplayable. I don't play with 166 MHz because GP32 is meant to be a handheld console that i can go with everywhere, not a device that runs out of battery an a couple of hours because of overclocking.
  2. N

    New Osnes9x Crashes

    Fast? Are you crazy? If you mean that playing at 166 with frameskip and without sound it's fast, then you are blind man. Release 0.3 run as slow as 0.2
  3. N

    Mythic Chess

    It would be nice if it had an icon for the fxe! Some things to point out: - The cursor in the menus is too sensible, it goes really fast and sometimes you cannot control it. - The menu could be more eye candy, I could help you in doing that, I have some experience in it. - You cannot stop CPU...
  4. N

    Mythic Chess

    Are the sources available? I you have used GNU Chess, you have to release the sources... at least the chess core. :)
  5. N

    Gpfinalwar 0.6

    I have to say this is the best programmed hombrew game i have tried since i have the gp32. I suggest you some things to make this better because it is really really good programmed. There are two small graphic bugs, the first one is when the fog is disappearing, the other is the font used in...