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  1. T

    Planning To Port Doukutsu Monogatary (cave Story) To Gp32

    Hi! I'm trying to bring new life to our GP32s... More information here and here. Wish me luck ;)
  2. T

    Crush! (first Public Beta)

    Hello, my friends. Some of you already know I'm developing a new game for GP32: Crush!. Originally intended for the GBAX2005, the game development is going much slower than planned. I didn't want to delay the release of a first public beta, but my job killed my spare time, so I've taken the...
  3. T

    GP32 Memcpy Implementation (c, No Asm)

    Hi. I've just implemented my own memcpy function in C, with no ASM code, and I'd like to know if it could be optimized a little more; of course without using ASM. The code is here. Thanks in advance.