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  1. T

    A new name for Combustion Studios

    Hi, Just to let people know, due to a few problems with the previous name, we have been forced to change the name of Combustion Studios to AeonFlame. I hope this doesn't seem like spam, only I have had several e-mails saying that my site is down, when the name has actually been changed. The...
  2. T

    GlooP Deluxe Demo

    Hi guys, Just to let you all know that I've just released a demo of GlooP Deluxe! Goto to download it. A quote from the news item I just posted on my site: Well, hope you enjoy it! Cheers, -Toris
  3. T

    GP32 PNG Decoding Woes...

    I know I've already asked this on the Yahoo dev list, but, I thought there might be some people here who can help who aren't subscribed to the list :) - What can I say? I'm desperate :P Anyway, following is some code that is meant to decode a PNG, the problem is, is returns with a Z_BUF_ERROR...
  4. T

    GP32 Sin() and Cos()

    Hi, I've just switched my compiler from ADS to GCC, and I noticed a few odd things had started going wrong. I then realised, it was the sin() and cos() routines that weren't working correctly. If you are using DevKitAdv, then do this, it may solve your problem: First, make sure you are doing...