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    Who Wants To Win A Yinlips Ydp G18 ?

    I have a Wiz, Dingoo A320, and a GB and weighed them myself. The I looked up the weights of everything else on Wikipedia/Google. For the boxes and their contents, I weighed a Dingoo A330 box (minus the system itself). It sucks that I was off by 2 grams (I sure wanted that G18), but a free...
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    Who Wants To Win A Yinlips Ydp G18 ?

    Sweet deal, yo. I won the Caanoo! :happydance:
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    Is Anyone Still Working On Lynx Emulation?

    Just like the Game Gear, Virtual Boy and Super Scope it required too many batteries. I have a broken broken Lynx and after taking it apart I noticed the mini flourescent light they used for the backlight. that may have been why it too all those batteries. The only game I like for Lynx is Chip's...
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    Gba Emulator Question

    I used a gba emulator on gp32 (I forget which one as you suggested there were 2 and I'm relaly too lazy to check) but I had no problems with file sizes of up to 8 megs although some gba gmes go up to 16megs. I did run extremely slowly, but it ran.
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    Good Neo Geo Pocket Games

    I like Puzzle Bobble Mini\Bust-a-Move Pocket, Magical Drop Pocket (a Parodius\r-type\shooter-like game) and Crush Roller (Pac Man-like, another game you might be interested in). As for the fighting games, Fatal Fury, King of Fighters, SNK vs. Capcom and the Megaman Power Battles games are really...
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    I Hate Usps!!!!!!!!

    I'm not in the States but I can sympathize. I caught a postal worker leaving the slip in my mailbox without bringing the package to my door or knocking. I was home and just happened to be walking by the door to see a man drop something in my mailbox. I opened the door cause I thought it was one...
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    Psx Emu

    A PSX emulator wouldn't be usable on a gp32. the memory cards are only 128 tops aren't they? I was pretty sure it wouldn't recognie anything above 128MB. Regardless, some of you talk as if this will lead to a N64 emulator. I don't think that's going to happen. the GP32 is 32bit. It's title...