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  1. S

    Did The Gp32 Sell 23423423423423 Units?

    how did they even get money to make new systems? im a newb but from what I am reading is that they didnt even have that many popular commercial games made, and usually systems that dont have 3rd party support usually die..... enlighten me!
  2. S

    When Will Gpx2 Being Released?

    When can I get the gpx2 or is it gp2x? I cant even tell from google, and where is the comparison of the gp2x and the other new gp thing that looks like a psp... I need to know which one I want to get.
  3. S

    How Many Emulators Run Normally?

    I got an n-gage it sucks for gaming, and the emulators suck. Anyways, I wanted to know what emulators for the gp32 are pretty stable and arent having slow speeds and crappy sound. thanks