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  1. R

    GP32 Synkro's Resize Code

    Hi~ I made an ugly bastardisation of Synkro's clever bitmap resizing code as found here: Certain sized bitmaps (orig size) were being displayed wrong (from rounding error), so I've just added an 'offset' which I can pass through to correct...
  2. R

    GP32 Msn

    I'm new to devving for the GP32, though I've done some other coding type things before. Anyway, I'm working on my first GP32 project so was wondering if any devvers here would like to add me to MSN so I can ask the occassional question to help me out. Thanks!
  3. R

    GP32 Usb Coms

    Hi, I've not started coding properly on the GP32 yet, but I indend to soon once some other projects are out of the way. I have a question, if it's possible to communicate between the GP32 and a PC program via the USB port? I don't just mean file copying, I mean for instance, a Four Swords...
  4. R

    Fenix Platform Game Help...

    Very new to Fenix... Infact just started yesterday thanks to EvilDragon's tutorial. Started making some form of platform engine. (source / files) I have a few questions. 1: Despite running very smoothly at the 60fps I've set, it doesn't VSYNC... It's not noticeable on the PC.. But...
  5. R

    Usb Problem??

    Okay this might sound weird, but when I plugged my GP32 usb cable into my computer this morning and then the other end into my BLU+, the computer instantly lost power. And I couldn't get it to turn back on until I removed the cable from the GP32. And even when it's booting up (ie. not in...
  6. R

    Mario + Push Push Penguin

    I love the Mario games, and this DOS clone of Mario would surely run better than any emulator if it was ported: Plus some modifications and a level editor shouldn't be too much trouble for a talented coder. :) Though it was originaly written...