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  1. T

    SMC cards

    it actually doesn't even matter what brand you buy because almost all smc are manufactured by either samsung or toshiba, so just buy the cheapest ones you find
  2. T

    movie quality?

    cool thanks, i was i little worried that 10fps seemed a little low to watch videos well, but from the sound of it, it doesn't seem to be a problem right? oh and axeman, when u try watching videos on your pockect pc what fps rate is it at and is there any noticable quality differences when you do...
  3. T

    movie quality?

    do u guys think that it is worth it to buy the gp32 if i'm mainly going to use it for the mp3 and divx player? i was actually gonna buy a pocket pc for the same reason until i stumbled upon this device. the gp32 battery life is like 4 times better, it comes with stereo speakers and uses sm cards...