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  1. L

    Buying A Gamepark Gp32 Blu

    I'm interested in buying a GamePark GP32 BLU, are there any stores that still stock them (and can be payed with paypal?)? Or is anyone else interested in selling his GamePark GP32 BLU? Also a question about the games, I'm looking for these games: Her Knights All For Princess: Deadline* Little...
  2. L

    Commercial Indie Games On The Gpx2

    I know this is an old topic. But i wanna see Blood Cross completed. Would i tbe a higher chance for GPX2 or XGP?
  3. L

    Chances For Blood Cross To Be Released On Gpx2

    Yeah i knew that. Anyone tried to email Byulbram and ask him about Blood Cross?
  4. L

    Chances For Blood Cross To Be Released On Gpx2

    doctor thesis? I want to play a full version off Blood Cross so bad :(
  5. L

    Chances For Blood Cross To Be Released On Gpx2

    Yeah, but Blood Cross as a Launch game for the GPX2 doesn't sound too bad does it?
  6. L

    Chances For Blood Cross To Be Released On Gpx2

    So what are the chances. Enjoy Games with GPX2 now! CPU which has 2D accelerator enables you enjoy games anytime anywhere. Meet the exclusive GPX2 games along with abundant emulators such as MAME, SNES, Genesis, PC Engine etc