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  1. M

    Sdk Released

    May I also suggest the MMSP2 Data Sheet pdf (line on right) It is for the MM2520F MMSP2 is this the version on the GP2X pictures ? In Short: it provides an improved block diagram, excellent descriptive breakdowns of all the blocks...
  2. M

    Sdk Released

    Regarding the USB 1.1 vs 2.0 issue. I was looking at the mmsp2(gp2x SOC) dev kit on magiceyes (chipset manu) site: and it has a big red block USB 2.0 type B device controller hanging off of the same line as the NAND flash, an IDE...
  3. M

    Gph Confirms Drm Is Nothing To Be Scared Off.

    If it is copy protection for games, best to call it that. DRM encompasses a whole load of other things, many of which are really bad things that the gp2x wouldn't want to associate with. If it is being marketed to Open Source enthusiasts then I suspect the term DRM will lose it more friends...
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    Craig - Email The Boingboing Guy About The Drm

    DRM is the wrong word. Boingboing minifiasco may just be a litmus test. It seems DRM is a very bad name as the function is for copy protection. From the statements issued by Craig from UK and Anna from Gamepark...
  5. M

    Craig - Email The Boingboing Guy About The Drm

    Hi everybody, I found out about this unit from Boingboing and I definately wanted one, (heck I want 10) and have been showing all my friends, it looks real real cool - it's totally, utterly, what I have been waiting for. DRM concerns me tho, as I think it is a very serious issue. Let me...