Search results

  1. N

    Boxed Game List

    Woohoo , found and recieved an unboxed copy of Wizard Slayer , so I now have the full commercial set all cib apart fromWizard Slayer of course but at least I have the game now after years of searching.
  2. N

    Boxed Game List

    And still looking ......
  3. N

    Boxed Game List

    Arise from your grave going for a full set of gp32 games , the one i cannot locate anywhere is Wizard Slayer. The list on page one is what im going on by :)
  4. N

    Wanted 1 gp32 game to complete set

    And still looking......
  5. N

    Map Where You Are!

    Nottingham uk is me ....i may be the only one left :(
  6. N

    Waiting For My Gp32

    Still no sign of the little bugger day , hopefully before I'm dead though ;)
  7. N

    What is a fair price for a gp32 in 2016 ?

    Blimming eck, just watched an eBay item finish today for Wanna be Wizard and it ended up at over £200 , there goes my collecting days if prices like that start to appear.
  8. N

    Waiting For My Gp32

    Well I'm still looking for that one elusive game , I know one French collector with it but can I find the little bugger nope , not even card only. One day , Wizard Slayer will be mine.
  9. N

    Selling some of my collection

    Lol , the sales thread is THREE years old lol
  10. N

    Wanted 1 gp32 game to complete set

    And still looking .........
  11. N

    Used-to-work GP32 BLU will not turn on. What to do?

    Buy another one ;) glad to help ;)
  12. N

    Wanted 1 gp32 game to complete set

    Still looking for the little bleeder .... $100 finders fee offered for a cib copy.
  13. N

    Waiting For My Gp32

    Thanks , took an age to find but at least I didn't have to pay a fortune for it either.
  14. N

    Waiting For My Gp32

    I really like the colour myself :)
  15. N

    [WTB] or Trade GP32 games

    I know it's not on your list but I've got a spare kimchiman if you haven't got it. I realized I had two while updating my photos ...opps :)
  16. N

    Wanted 1 gp32 game to complete set

    Afternoon everybody , As it's my birthday today I'm using my birthday wish on anyone helping finding selling trading the one gp32 boxed game I'm after to complete my set. The game in question is .....drum roll ...... Wizard Slayer Good money paid if selling or even a finders fee paid to...
  17. N

    The Ginkgo Girl, Mill (English Translation Patch)

    Topman, have the original of this and it'll be really nice to play again finally understanding the story. Orion gets a 1up from me :)
  18. N

    Waiting For My Gp32

    Just received a green gp32 after all these years of searching :) happy is me
  19. N

    Mill complete text script, ready to translate

    Orion_ you are a top man :D and on a side note keep up the excellent dc side to ( I've bought them all :))