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  1. P

    Release Hotfix 6 Final released!

    Just wanted to give a big thanks for this hotfix my wifi speeds have been improved to a usable level whether that was a feature or just a coincidence, either way I'm grateful :) . On a slightly unrelated note, is it possible to get a 8192U driver?
  2. P

    Design a Panorama UI

    I would like to see a UI similar to the psp's and ps3's xmb. I like the idea of a menu that can access both applications and media in the same place rather then launching the movie player and whatnot separately.
  3. P

    Wifi Adapter based on RTL8192U chip on Pandora

    I have an Astone AW-N290 wifi adpater lying around, is it possible to get this running on the Pandora? It Uses the Realtek RTL8192U chip. I've done some digging and I have found what appears to be a Linux driver in the Staging tree of the 2.6.34 kernel but I don't really know what the staging...
  4. P

    duke and pandora

    The demo kind of put me off. What kind of Duke can't carry more then two guns? BTW DobsonatorX its a great way to find out just how much money you've spent in the pursuit of fun. You might have to make a custom steam community link to get it to work though. Sent...
  5. P

    Yet another slow wifi thread.

    I'm trying to figure out if there is anything that can be done to improve my wifi download speed. I've tried setting a highest wifi channel on my router (13) and running the command that I'm asuming disables power saving but I'm not to familier with linux enough to be sure; I've also disabled...
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    Cracked Case

    Thanks for the tips guys. I 've never seen that Sugru stuff before but it looks pretty interesting might have to take a look.
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    Cracked Case

    My Pandora his developed a miner crack at the seam, some of which has already broken off. My pandora has never been dropped so I'm asuming its a manafacturing defect. Has anyone else encountered a similar problem? Also has anyone had any experience replacing the case?
  8. P

    3DS Friend Codes Here!

    Just got mine today. 0516 - 7293 - 5535
  9. P

    Make a crackpot conspiracy theory

    Clearly Protoman has just calculated the precise moment the forum becomes so overloaded with useless Blue Protoman threads that it causes a small rupture in the space-time continuum which eventually consumes the entire world with its endless fury.
  10. P

    Fully Working Pandora ?

    Well mine arrived today perfectly fine, the only issues I have are with its design, just little things though. Like the shoulder buttons feel a bit stiff I imagine they will loosen on their own, the a,b,x,y buttons don't feel as nice as the dpad (which is fantastic btw) and the power switch is a...
  11. P

    Gish, Indie bundle port

    Wow that port of Aquaria to the PSP is pretty impressive! Perhaps a Pandora port should be based around that, but from the sounds of it porting PSP code is probably just as alien as X86 code if not more so.
  12. P

    Gish, Indie bundle port

    I got an email recently stating that the humble indie bundle that I bought a while ago was available to download from steam and it got me thinking would it be possible to port some of the games to the Pandora? I recon Gish would work pretty well and is open-source. The Git repo is available here...
  13. P

    Dear Linux nerds

    Well If I'm understanding this correctly you want to plug your ps3's hard drive into your Linux PC/Device in order to read the data of it? If so then no it is not possible a ps3's drive is encrypted and can only be read on the ps3 it originally came from. If you plug it in one of two things will...
  14. P

    Pandora acting as DVD drive on boot

    I know Linux has built in iso support so perhaps it might be possible to change the mount point so instead of plugging in your Pandora and seeing the contents of the sd card, you see the contents of the iso. However my experience in that area is limited so I wouldn't know if it was possible or...
  15. P

    bluetooth gps

    Well someone appears to have gotten this to work in Ubuntu 7.10 without to much work and the gpsd daemon used appears to have an arm port so you might be in luck but I'll let someone with more experience with the Pandora say for sure.
  16. P

    Battery Drain

    Have you tried disconnecting the battery for a while and then replacing it and then seeing if there is still a large power drain? That should at least should ensure that it is indeed a hardware issue and not software.
  17. P

    Question regarding nubs

    If you want to remove it because its not working properly ie making the cursor go way out into the sunset I would think you wouldn't need to do anything that drastic perhaps just disabling it in the software? Perhaps we could say more if we new what the problem, was we might be able to tell you...
  18. P

    Going nubless?

    What about going nub-less until nub mass production is underway and simply installing them ourselves later?
  19. P

    Battery Drain

    Here in Australia the power companies advertise this handy new feature that is built in to all existing homes, its a power switch built directly into the wall that can disconnect the power to its respective socket there by eliminating standby power use. The Pandora also has this feature in the...
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    I was reading about the Gizmondo recently and learned that this failed device was hacked to run homebrew. Then I saw this video and it made me lol. Anyone lucky enough to own one of these consoles? (or should I say unlucky enough :P )