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  1. H

    A thought about PTOD... (purple tint)

    My Pandora suffered PTOD last year, May 8th, twas a sad day, lasted until 3 weeks ago whereby the screen would be fine if opened fully, then started getting tracking style lines across screen and would have to press screen and wiggle a bit to get the screen normal... now it's totally...
  2. H

    Name some interesting (or exciting) things you've on your Pandora ;)

    As above, I'll get things rolling :) 1/ Having NeoGeo emulator running in a 1*1 window on desktop playing games at 60 fps, whilst also having Fuse ZX Spectrum running in a 1*1 window too on same desktop running RZX game completion files full speed... also at same time audacious on...
  3. H

    Damnit, my Facebook's all messy now, it's got friends on... it looked all nice and tidy before, lol

    Damnit, my Facebook's all messy now, it's got friends on... it looked all nice and tidy before, lol
  4. H

    100% success! (2011-12-24)

    how do you do that in machine code though :P
  5. H

    Release Forget Me Not - new shooter/maze game from Nyarla Labs

    Thanks for the port, didn't really appreciate it enough until I started grinding the walls :)
  6. H

    Release MAME EX - Final Release

    Thankss for a lot for this early Christmas pressssie StreaK :) Will give us all something to mess about with. Certain games you can get running full speed by pressing Shift and T, to throttle the emulator, and then Shift and D or Shift and I to manually adjust frameskip amount :)...
  7. H

    FUSE emulator...annoying sound

    Sorry for bump but did anyone manage to figure this out, find a workaround or fix it, I tried everything I could think of (deleting folder outa appdata, changing sound in OS between ALSA and other one (OSS?) etc) but no joy. It's not just the sound, although playing a game without music/FX...
  8. H

    GLBasic Games

    Been messing about with the GLBasic demo a bit, seems rather good for those that like an old school Basic. One nice feature it has is the ability to pump out versions for the Pandora so I tried a couple of the demo games and they seem to run full speed at 500 Mhz :D So far I've got Scramble...
  9. H

    A checklist of basic game elements

    Being able to press T to make the characters pants fall down... That's an important one :D