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  1. CTLance


    I love BeOS. I'd be all for a OpenPandora Haiku. Porting Haiku to OP is a task of gargantuan proportions though, even without writing new drivers. I'll never forget that advertisement video with the movies playing on the OpenGL-rendered book (youtube: part 1 part 2 - skip to 3:40 to bypass...
  2. CTLance

    GP32 Creating A New Game-console. Homebrew Project

    I would really love some sort of low-to-medium-performance Audio/Video CoProc. Starting point could be that article: ->Samsung should have chips with that baby. MBX should have plenty of power, it's from PowerVR (the Dreamcast comes to mind) and supposedly...
  3. CTLance

    Gamepark Mentioned In Analyst Paper

    Well, sorry to start a new topic, in the 'news' section nonetheless, but still, it has a rudimentary connection to Gamepark - although I wouldn't classify that anywhere near 'newsworthy': [german] features a very brief roundup of the Juniper research analyst advertising/report. The...
  4. CTLance

    The Hentai Novel Is Out!!!!!!!!

    I really hope this is not aimed towards my hamster threat... :blink: Anyways, thanks, NIN^_^NIN, for releasing this novel. Although I haven't played it yet I reckon it was a lot of work involved. The screenshots look nice. I understand you don't want to give the gp32x staff trouble. It's their...
  5. CTLance

    The Hentai Novel Is Out!!!!!!!!

    Damn. I'm too late. This is what you get for trying (and failing) gentoo stage1-installs instead of constantly refreshing the gp32x main page. :( Okay, Plan B. ... Send me the link or the hamster gets it! ... Please? :D he said boobies. Tee-hee.
  6. CTLance


    Wouldya lookit that: Interesting. We definitely need more GP32's on this site. ;) I'm still impressed that there already IS one there... Someone from this board?
  7. CTLance

    Jimmy Overclocker

    But IIRC Sound and timer ticks are dependant on the clock... so all games would run e.g. twice as fast, but with hilariously distorted sound and perhaps stability problems... 99% of all programs needn't be run outside their specs. Why would someone overclock ASR, for example... no benefit from...
  8. CTLance

    Tomb Raider on N-Gage

    Hell yes. :blink: I would sacrifice my firstborn for a GP32 conversion of Panzer Dragoon Saga... *drools* I think I just shortened my keyboard with drooROUTPOPIUOPZ+++CARRIER LOST
  9. CTLance

    GP32 Euro Released cancelled

    I can't say that I am happy about this, but somehow I feel relieved. Can't quite put my finger on it... insecure Encryption scheme blasted bugs (I guess the DMA one is really annoying, and the speaker R/L mixup) way 'bigger' Companies bringing out really troublesome competition in the very...
  10. CTLance

    GBA interface possible?

    I think this should be doable: The GBA features an interesting 'remote-boot' mode - if you turn it on and press and hold start and select it tries to download an executable file through it's cable port. Other GBAs can function as game servers this way - not everyone needs to have the game to...
  11. CTLance

    English translation of GP32 Manager!

    Take a look at the Help forum: patch a file, and rename the two mp3 files. Pesky Unicode bugs... >_<
  12. CTLance

    movie park...FREE?

    If you want to install the files using the install routine (which hangs due to the korean filenames of the supplied demo mp3s) you can patch a file to make it work. All you gotta do is load data1.hdr into your favourite hex editor (Take Hex Workshop from bpsoft, for example) and scroll to the...
  13. CTLance

    GP Cinema

    Uhm, if you press start&select you can adjust the gamma level in MoviePark. Nevertheless, I totally agree with you: GPcinema rocks. The quality is so much better. And for three bucks it's a steal. :D
  14. CTLance

    XP's avi scan hangs cpu at 99%

    Aw c'mon, Windows 2000 isn't THAT bad... :lol: But I was referring to the BFS filesystem... a database-like FS that could store any data you wanted in addition to the data itself... MP3 handling and such was soooo easy... and the best thing were the instant queries... it showed the results...
  15. CTLance

    RF link possibilities

    It would be just darned cool if someone tinkered with one RF-link and attached it to a serial connector of a PC. With some programming you could remote-control certain aspects of the PC with the GP32 and another RF-link, such as playlists, volume, etc, and even check on the GP32 display for...
  16. CTLance

    XP's avi scan hangs cpu at 99%

    I don't use XP anymore (for obvious reasons I might add <_< ) but IIRC you just have to right-click the grey bar with the names ("playtime" etc) and choose what you need and what not... there's even a "customize..." entry in the same menu, if memory serves me right, so you can fiddle with that...
  17. CTLance

    Could someone test this for me?

    I can't say for sure that I'll have the time, but it was on my to-do-list anyway so I'll do it some time in the future. On old versions of Snesgxp it ran OK with sound and frameskip at about 5 or without sound at frameskip 3 IIRC. Great game(s). I especially like the stoneage one. :lol...
  18. CTLance

    Virtual Memory Unit

    It would be fun if some hardware guru could make the connection to the dreamcast controller and have the GP32 actually emulate a VMU... heh.... as if that's gonna happen ... still ... one may dream. :D Just think about it - a VMU with 128 MB storage and inherent PC-link option. Perhaps with a...
  19. CTLance

    GpOgg 0.2 released!

    It's not that easy. Although on slashdot there was a comparison between Vorbis (OGG is a container format, like AVI or MOV), MP3, and AAC when the Apple store came out - AAC and Vorbis bested MP3 easily, IIRC. Especially the higher frequencies were conserved better. Vorbis did loose to AAC by a...
  20. CTLance

    Help Please!!

    If you're looking for a good IM client, try Trillian (mentioned above) or Miranda from here. It's a matter of personal preference - I loathe the Interface of Trillian but use it nonetheless. btw: Please consider that Microsoft is planning to close its chat servers for 'outside' IM's. Trillian's...