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  1. M

    Problem With Gngeo 0.6.9 And Up

    I've installed the latest 1.0.4 firmware and updated Gngeo 0.6.8 to 0.6.10 and noticed my games don't load anymore. It goes through the process of loading each individual file and when it's justt about to load with the blue screen for a split second, it goes back to the rom selector. Now i'm not...
  2. M

    Has Anyone Used A Universal Power Adapter?

    I was just wondering if one can be used, or does it need to be a GP2X specific model? I really don't feel like waiting 2 weeks and spending 20 bucks just to flash my firmware.
  3. M

    Lik-sang.. Bad Real "second Edition"

    Apparently there is no real Second Edition, maybe just a marketting ploy to get people to buy from them... or just some proceedure they go through and label the system as being a second edition and just update the firmware, but it states right here that there is no second edition, just an...
  4. M

    Apparently There Is No "second Edition'

    I sure hope none of you purchased the second version from Link to the Article Kinda evil eh?
  5. M

    Simply... Rott

    Rise of the triad!!! best fps game of all time back in 95!!! I believe it was the first fps to feature up and down aiming!. I'd so love to see this on the gp2x, just the amount and types of weapons... *drools*.
  6. M

    Help!! Plz

    Can anyone help me? here is the code: cd /mnt/sd/bin exec /mnt/sd/bin/madplay --adjust-volume=0 -z -r /mnt/sd/mp3s/*.mp3& #/bin/sh cd /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x exec /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x/gngeo.gpe /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x/roms/ Contained in a .gpu After I exit it still continues to...
  7. M

    I'd So Love To See Cps-1 And Cps-2 Games Emulated

    You remember Marvel Vs Capcom, Darkstalkers, Marvel Vs Street Fighter. If Neo-Geo can be emulated so well, why can't CPS games? :D, they're so much more pleasing to the eye and fast!!.
  8. M

    Several Ideas, Some Useful And Some Otherwise :p

    Well first of all I'd like to see thumbnails for photos, or at least the ability to create my own thumbnails to be generated maybe a GIF with a 16x16 resolution. Visualizations for audio, they don't necessarily need to be in 3D, take for example G-Force for winamp!. Ability to go back to the...