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  1. E

    My Wishlist!

    Good job making the wish-list Hansel75! Good initiative! I mean, it can't hurt trying... right?
  2. E

    Amiga Uae4All... Needs Awesome Developers!

    Hi! This is my attempt to shed some light on the supreme (Yes I did say supreme!) entertainment system... AMIGA. Reesy did a great job porting uae4all for the Caanoo and for that we all are extremely grateful! Sadly he has no intentions of continuing developing the emulator witch still is...
  3. E

    How Long Until We See Uae4All? (Amiga Emulator)

    Can't wait to try it out! My SD-card broke two days ago... that's just not fair :( Preformance boost sounds great! Hopefully SWOS will run more smooth with sound :)
  4. E

    How Long Until We See Uae4All? (Amiga Emulator)

    Wow, that was a thread killer :) Just kidding! Reesy, great work! I love being able to run my Amiga games on the caanoo. This really gave me a reason for dusting of my caanoo and rediscover it's potential. Hopefully someone else will continue developing this awesome emulator and make it a great...
  5. E

    How Long Until We See Uae4All? (Amiga Emulator)

    I would also like to support this in some way!
  6. E

    How Long Until We See Uae4All? (Amiga Emulator)

    Good times :). SWOS has playable speed with sound disabled and clocking 750. No more collecting dust for my Caanoo! Is it unrealistic for the caanoo with it's current hardware to emulate games at good speed with sound? Great job!
  7. E

    How Long Until We See Uae4All? (Amiga Emulator)

    Wow this is great news! Amiga made me who I am :) Best of luck with the mouse thingy and the speed stuff to!
  8. E

    Gp32blu Firmware Dumped

    What size should the bg image be in?
  9. E

    Swedish Users?

    här är en till
  10. E

    A Clock
  11. E

    Amiga Emulator?

    What about the Amiga emu? Is it still under dev.?
  12. E

    What happened to ph0x?

    I sent a mail to ph0x yesterday and asked him about GPScumm. When I get an awnser I will post it in this thred. (I'm from sweden, not good at typing in English)
  13. E

    Best console games?

    Hi, does anyone know of a good page wich has rated consolegames. Ex Top 100 nes games, PCengine...
  14. E

    Swedish GP32 Community?

    Jo visst. Kan nog funka.
  15. E

    how many roms?

    Delete the file ljgp something in the NES folder. I havto do this every time I add a new game to the Gp32 nes folder.
  16. E

    Noob quaetion. gbx

    Thanks I'l try.
  17. E

    Noob quaetion. gbx

    I have a noob question, whre do I put an gxb on my gp. In what folder. I have downloaded Gp games and I can't get it to work. I tryed with the GPMM folder, but no.
  18. E

    I CANT STAND IT!!!!!

    I bought my gp32 from Play-Asia, it took me 5 days to get it. By the way, I live in Sweden, faaaar away from Asia. :rolleyes:
  19. E

    gp32 multiplayer?

    Do I need to buy the GP-Link addon to be able to play multyplayer games, ore is it supported in the gp32 from the beginning?