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  1. E

    Amiga Uae4All... Needs Awesome Developers!

    Hi! This is my attempt to shed some light on the supreme (Yes I did say supreme!) entertainment system... AMIGA. Reesy did a great job porting uae4all for the Caanoo and for that we all are extremely grateful! Sadly he has no intentions of continuing developing the emulator witch still is...
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    Amiga Emulator?

    What about the Amiga emu? Is it still under dev.?
  3. E

    Best console games?

    Hi, does anyone know of a good page wich has rated consolegames. Ex Top 100 nes games, PCengine...
  4. E

    Noob quaetion. gbx

    I have a noob question, whre do I put an gxb on my gp. In what folder. I have downloaded Gp games and I can't get it to work. I tryed with the GPMM folder, but no.
  5. E

    gp32 multiplayer?

    Do I need to buy the GP-Link addon to be able to play multyplayer games, ore is it supported in the gp32 from the beginning?