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  1. M

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    So I pre-ordered the Pyra back in 2016. The "Is my Pyra ready" page returns error in the ref code, and visiting the DragonBox website it only shows as status: "Pyra pre-Order" (in Red). In my history I have that and a previous transaction which was cancelled when I had trouble with the bank...
  2. M

    Slackware for Pandora 14.2

    I am a bit lost. I used to have this as my only pandora OS. Had the poor machine parked for 2 years and decided to undust it. Now I am unable to connect to the Internet: I use the /usr/pandora/scripts/op_wifi, even the activate wifi menu from xfce4 (even if it is not my standard wm)... The...
  3. M

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    I see a lot of people is already thinkering with the Pyra.... I pre-ordered mine in 2016. Last communication was the 8/2020, that case paint interview, but still didn't get any mail or confirmation after that (I got my accepted payment details in DragonBox tho). I think people living in the UK...
  4. M

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    Mhhh I think that the chances ED finishes ensambling ~800 pyras in one night is a bit slim. It'll come. Mean, I waited years for it and I don't think I will enjoy it any less: I am still using my 600 mhz Pandora with Slackware on it, and this one, I expect I will even be able to emulate DOS and...
  5. M

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    So... My preorder was the 18/09/2016. I just not have idea the number. Sure is not prototye... Still not email tho, and my original fear of the invoice having the wrong address (good address in the website tho). Ah, a friendly reminder than the Dragonbox website won't work with Firefox (cookie...
  6. M

    Where are we now?

    Ok, cool! Thanks for the clear up. Managed to update my address now, so it is just the slumber game now. Might cheek the forum more often tho: My first impression is form a quite nice community here.
  7. M

    Where are we now?

    Hi there! I think this might be my first post, but I have been checking this place from time to time. I was wondering like the title says where are we? So I live in UK, and pre-ordered the Pyra back in 2016. Tbh, for a long time I though I'll never get it and then I made that colour survey and...
  8. M

    Slackware for Pandora 14.2

    The problem I had with sbopkg was caused because my pandora had an incorrect time and the date was set at the year 2000. I have been thinkering a little bit with sl4p and I liked it a lot: It is cool to have the convenience of using pnd, but I also love the fact that it is Slackware and you can...
  9. M

    Slackware for Pandora 14.2

    Hi, and thank you for the fast reply. I didn't use sbopkg because I wrongly assumed it used webkit, which it doesn't, so it is actually beareable to compile on low end computers. I did found tho that when trying to install anything from sbopkg it'll drop a GPG error and refuse to continue. I...
  10. M

    Slackware for Pandora 14.2

    I have been thinkering for it for a while and I enjoy it a lot. I used to have Soleil a couple of years ago too... However, I have found a bit of a problem: While Trying to execute some pnd I found they don't start. The logs direct me to broken libraries... (may I be unlucky, or just Slackware...