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  1. D

    GP2X A Drum Machine On Gp2x...

    hello I think it would be great to see a (live) drum machine on the gp2x, like the rebirth338 on pc. First versions of rebirth worked well on a pentium 166, and I know this type of software exists on Palm, DS, PSP, GP32...even gameboy! so maybe it's possible to create a thing like that on...
  2. D

    A Simple Joystick Improvement

    hi I've made a simple mod on my gp2x, nothing how can avoid my warranty, but a good way to improve the original joystick. I simply found an old cheap psx dual shock pad, I removed the rubber cap on one of the analog joystick, and I cutted a circle of rubber (10mm, 2mm less than the gp2x...