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  1. M

    Gp2x Vs Psp Snes Emulating Potential

    It seems like lately the GP2x has great potential in emulated SNES at fullspeed. Ever since Squidesnes .37a and with overclocking to 266mhz, most games run at a smooth framerate on 0-1fs. At the moment (for people that have both a psp and gp2x) which has advanced farther? Do you guys believe the...
  2. M

    I Can't Get Madplaygp2x To Work

    I've been wanting to use this program forever, but just can't seem to get it to work. How do you install it? Whenever I try to just load it through madplay.gpe I get blank black screen that doesn't change. But if I open it with qlaunch_mp3s.gpe it takes me to the game quake :blink: Please help...