Search results

  1. G

    [E]: GP2X-F100 mit Zubehör

    Verkaufe meinen GP2X mit Zubehör hier bei ebay.
  2. G

    New Website: Pandora Video Vault

    Youtube is big, and the number of pandora videos is increasing. So how about a special website for these great videos? Take a look at my first try on the "Pandora Video Vault". Planned "features": RSS-Feed Text search own icon in url bar possibility for everyone to send in new entries better...
  3. G

    New Website: Pandora Video Vault

    Youtube is big, and the number of pandora videos is increasing. So how about a special website for these great videos? Take a look at my first try on the "Pandora Video Vault". Planned "features":RSS-Feed Text search own icon in url bar possibility for everyone to send in new entries better...
  4. G

    Songbird On Pandora - Possible ?

    Hello there, thinking about which music player I will use on my Pandora makes me asking this question: Is it possible to make a port of Songbird for the Pandora? Sorry if this is a dumb question... :ph34r: I hope it's not...
  5. G

    Can Pandora replace my iPod Touch?

    I am thinking about this question: Will the pandora be a proper replacement for my iPodTouch/iPhone? So let me explain how I use my iPod Touch (and how i cannot use it) and give you my thoughts about the Pandora as well. 1) Playing music The ipod has a nice interface, iTunes. Good navigation...