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  1. B

    Threads In C

    hello, I'm having some problems getting threads to work properly on the GP2X. I create a thread with pthread_create(), and it seems to take over my gp2x. pthread_attr_init(&tattr); tattr.__schedpolicy=0; tattr.__schedparam.sched_priority=2; pthread_create(&tid, &tattr, Run, NULL)...
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    Prboom And The Use Function

    Hello I have prboom and doom1.wad. It's f-ing awesome. The only problem is i can't the get mapping for the 'use' key to stick. I had my keys mapped as start for pause, and x for use. The x button stopped working for use, and very strangely, when I would pause then unpasue, a 'use' command would...
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    Hirose Series St Connectors

    Has anyone tried the Hirose Series ST connectors. They are readily availible from digikey and seems extremely similar to the E810 connector I have used previously. The part number is H10354-ND at I know the wiki says they are slightly different in size, but thats kind of vauge...
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    Custom Power Suppies

    I have been reading as of late about how people are sturggling to find appropriatly rated ac adapters for their GP2X's. If I were to build some 3.3 volt 1.5 amp power supplies(regulated of course) would anyone be interested in buying one?
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    Attention Gpe Users

    for anyone who has GPE running on an ext2 sd card; how did you format your card? I've tried multiple combinations of partitions, on Windows and Linux. When I try to copy over the GPE root directory, the copy fails, and it corrupts the data on the ext2 partition. Do I need a card reader? Can I...
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    Gpe On An Ext2 Partition

    So I'm trying to put gpe onto my gp2x. I had my sd card formated as FAT32 and gpe was so slow it was just about unusable. So I decided to format 800MB as FAT32 and the rest (182MB) as EXT2 to try and speed gpe up. So now when i use the method outlined in the wiki at...
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    GP2X Gp2x Mobo Schematic

    I really wish I had a schematic for the GP2X. Not for the BoB, but for the console itself. Does anyone know where I could find one?
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    Usb Hub

    So i made a cable to connect to the EXT port and I have it soldered to a header and connected to a breadboard right now. USB host works fine as long as I plug the mouse into the port itself. If I try to connect a usb hub, it wont work even after a reboot (does the gp2x no support hot swapping...
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    Ext Port Powered Gp2x

    I'm building a breakout board for my friend with a GP2X. The thing impressed me so much I'm thinking about getting my own. Anyway I want to know if I can power/charge the GP2X through the EXT port. It would reduce clutter if I could do away with the power connector to the GP2X, just powering...