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  1. M

    Why Fenix?

    don't forget that your fenix application once compiled will work on all plattforms that support fenix, such as dreamcast or pc.
  2. M

    Real Type

    how about this? float h1_float=2.38, h2_float=32; int h1_int=h1_float; //0.38 gets lost h2_int = h2_float; //0.000001 gets lost //if there are no inaccuracies: if ((h1_float - h1_int==0) && (h2_float - h2_int == 0) ){ //here comes your calculation } else ... //here comes your code that...
  3. M

    Hardness Maps... Palette Or Anything Else I Didn't Coount With?

    Once again this painful subject... I thought I was too dumb to get it to work, so I finaly decided just to download a working example and take this as a base to experiment with to understand how hardness maps work. I played with the source code a little and finaly when I was satisfied with the...
  4. M

    Help With A Shooting Function

    Well now there's another problem I'm not able to fix by myself. Is it actually possible to use map_get_pixel with processes? In my game I use mauer() as a wall process. The player is able to "kill" it, otherwise he wont be able to pass through. For this I've been using the collision() function...
  5. M


    i've tried the collision() command once with your(?) car-test example, which i found in one thread here and didn't work. I'll post the source in a separate thread once i find time to. @topic: a step by step tutorial for hardness maps would be cool and VERY useful. I've tried this one...
  6. M


    i would like to know how to handle collisions in mode7...
  7. M

    Osx Ide?

    no problem, this seems to be a very friendly and helpful community to me. unfortunatelly a little idle at the moment. the summer months are the reason i guess ;)
  8. M

    Osx Ide?

    Hmm, i don't know how many users here user osx. I don't. I don't if this helps but I'm using batch files on my winme system. I'm quite sure that osx has an internal scripting language. On my system I use 3 BAT-files compile.bat fxc.exe your.prg pause cls run.bat fxi.exe your.dcb cls...
  9. M

    Help With A Shooting Function

    thank you very much! I really wouldn't have figured this out by myself and probably I'd have stopped working on this game without your help!! :D :D IF (collisions) score+=1000; kugelda=0; Signal(collisions,S_kill); Return; END So do I understand this correctly... this IF looks if a...
  10. M

    Timing Help

    well it really can be done with less code when just using && (!key(_yourkey)): IF ( (key(_LEFT)) && (!key(_UP)) && (!key(_DOWN)) ) //code for moving left and ignoring up and down when left is pressed... END
  11. M

    Help With A Shooting Function

    I've decided to upload the whole game with source in hope it'll be easier to find the error then...
  12. M

    Help With A Shooting Function

    well putting return into player_shoots process, will refuse shooting more then one bullet. I will cut my source down to show where exactely the error that i can't fix is. PROCESS tank_shoots(x,y,direction) BEGIN graph=4; REPEAT //only one case for a moving bullet IF ( (direction==30 ) )...
  13. M

    Help With A Shooting Function

    Hi, I'm new at this board.I'm quite new to the fenix scripting language and at the moment I'm working on a clone of the NES game "Battle City" by Konami. I'm hoping to port this game to the Dreamcast and maybe for the GP32 btw. My problem is: I cant get a proper shooting function tu run. My...