A Little Bit Bias?

For a start, Craig isn't an Admin/Mod of this forum, I'm a Moderator and am very much for the Wiz, One of my games (Myriad) is supplied on the NAND and I'm one of the main links between GPH and the boards. I also support the Pandora too.

I think you may be reading a little too much into your bias theory. Of course the Pandora has a lot of attention as it was born out of these forums, our input helped design, model and create it so how can we not be interested in its progress. As yet, the Pandora is not in our hands but the Wiz however is, so I reckon you're going to see a lot more Wiz related threads around here.

darkriku posted on May 17 2009 at 11:11 PM said:
Yeah but you cannot deny ALOT of people underestimate the wiz's power for emu's
All that remains is for us to prove them wrong, amirght?
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The Wiz does have some kind of memory bottleneck however it does not effect all apps. It effects emulators more often as they tend to be more memory intensive. However, my experience of coding games for the Wiz has yielded nothing but greatly improved performance over the GP2x :).
darkriku posted on May 18 2009 at 07:11 AM said:
Yeah but you cannot deny ALOT of people underestimate the wiz's power for emu's
How do you know they're underestimating it and you're not just overestimating it?
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darkriku posted on May 17 2009 at 11:11 PM said:
Yeah but you cannot deny ALOT of people underestimate the wiz's power for emu's
Cannot deny you greatly underestimate GPH's power to fuck it up. Don't imagine performance, measure it.
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Too be honest, I'm not very interested in the Wiz. Mainly because performance seems to be not a lot better than the GP2X.
Dingo should be in the performance area just as good, so why should I buy a Wiz.
I admit the Wiz looks better and has a better screen, but it really should give something extra. I am waiting for something to become really interested. Full speed PSX emulator and an Amiga emulator with savestates might help :)
I wonder how good the Dingoo screen looks? I would bet the viewing angle, contrast ratio, black level, and response time aren't as good as the Wiz.

darkriku posted on May 18 2009 at 07:11 AM said:
Yeah but you cannot deny ALOT of people underestimate the wiz's power for emu's
And I am sure allot overestimate the power looking at "533 MHz" and immediatly think it can emulate a Dreamcast.

The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. It is most likely just a slightly faster GP2X with a smaller sharper screen.
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WarmFluffyUK posted on May 19 2009 at 08:44 AM said:
Does the Dingo have 3D hardware or a touch screen?
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The Wiz is an interesting beast, so will be hard ot be clear to people. Its really an app by app thing, as there are many facets. Pure CPU performance versus memory bottlenecks versus different (missing and new) features in the 2d blitting, etc. (ie: In some cases the Wiz is _slower_ than gp2x; in most cases it should be faster, but the question is how much.. a little bit, or a lot.. it _Depends_.)

ITs not something anyon can guess at easily either.. it has to be tested on a per-app basis, and Devs can perhaps adjust to fit the Wiz's "oddities" to speed things up.

ITs going to be crazy in the forums explaining this to people :)

You can't really compare the pandora and the Wiz, as they're in entirely different categories. YES the pandora IS better than the wiz. YES it can run 3D games, and has all the features the wiz has and more! BUT, it's also much larger, it costs more, etc. Really, when you come down to it, they're impossible to compare. The Pandora is more of a full-featured linux mini-laptop with a touchscreen than it is a gaming system, and the Wiz is a mini gaming system with a ton of 2D power and a little 3D power that has yet to be fully exploited. But no, it probably won't run Quake 3 or battle for wesnoth, and even PSX is a little out of the question at this point. But what it should do is serve the purpose of being a fairly small system that's able to emulate NES, SNES, GENESIS, MAME, etc. at full speed, or VERY CLOSE TO full speed, and if it can pull those things off it's definitely worth it.

Honestly, though, if I could go back and stop myself from buying one just yet, I would. $180 US is a tad on the expensive side for a device like this.
I'm not so concerned over panda to wiz comparisons since I think most people are on top of that.

Its the Wiz versus GP2x that is the 'painful' one, since it is not a clear victory for Wiz so it might be difficult to explain to folks. (You bu a new console, it had bloody well be 100% superior right?) Thankfully Wiz is mostly better most of the time, so maybe the 'extreme cases' will not come up much.

Besides, Wiz fits in pockets, gp2x doesn't .. win! :)

You and I know that ;) But leave it to someone else to explain why certain emus or interps run slower until they get recoded :p

skeezix posted on May 20 2009 at 02:21 PM) You and I know that ; said:
But leave it to someone else to explain why certain emus or interps run slower until they get recoded :p

Shove an explanation in the Wiki. Leave it to the Wiki to tell them ;).
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