Dead Gp32 ?


Still Fresh
Mar 19, 2003
I am having problems with my GP32.
Constant GP32 Process errors when trying to view directories or write to the SMC from GP Link. I'm using fresh battery's and have tried two different SMC's.

Any Ideas ?
Have you gotten it to work before?? If you have, you should have installed GpDrive ;) (unless you don't have WinXP). Anyways, if it worked before, and you have freelauncher on it (or you have multifw/eurofw or something that can nativly run .fxe), get a card reader. If you are setting it up (and it didn't come pre-flashed), try re-installing the USB drivers, or try formating it.
I had the same problem. turn out to be the Firmware.

I use Pac Rom now and have no problems.