Disgrutled Pg Tips Purchase


Active Member
I was excited at the prospect of getting a Foot-mug with a pack of PG's, especially since I was particularly impressed with the Foot-bowls offered in 2002 by kellogs in plain, concave football inside, and the classic minimalist football pitch which I save for special occasions(usually involving some chocolate ice cream and a mini-flake), which have made breakfast...more fun.

I even enjoyed the following promotional foot-bowl offered in 2004, and was particularly pleased that these came with both kinds of Grahams, Cinnamon and that other flavor. They lacked the same quality as the original promotion, but the beveled footballs on the outside, did have a certain charm, and came in three colours red;blue;green the original only coming in black.

My other has informed myself that the new Foot-bowls are sub-standard, and have what she describes as "Silver Stars" which just sound cheap and tacky, so it came as a double blow when I first tried my Foot-mug.

My Live-in realizing I was salivating at the prospect of having a matching Mug to go with my Foot-bowls, having pronounced that I would have "twelve", after being informed by the Magic box of their availability. Upon returning from the place that has food. I opened the packet. It had that glow about it that you only get in movies when John (I look like him) Travolta opens a case.

I all but wet myself as I went through the tea making ritual. I was all prepared. The glowing light box was on. I has a small but not insignificant pile of chocolate-digestives(It was a Thursday). When I went for the caffeine I discovered that more went down the outside, than in my mouth, which left me licking the outside of the Mug, due to the "too ball" shape design. Clearly this is unacceptable and I feel all should be warned. This was even worse as I'm sure you are aware, PG comes sans draw-string which save those critical tea drinking seconds. I suspect my rights as citizen of the UK will still be lacking. I blame the Govenment.

I can't help but wonder if they hadn't thought it through a Foot-cup would have been a better; more classier option. I request you send your bags back to PG in protest, and never be fooled by there lovable caffeine addled monkey's again.
This just in from the European desk.........

"In Europe the higher proportion of coffee drunk (and the subsequently smaller cups available) as compared to tea, coupled with the tendancy for breakfast to lean towards bread products instead of cereal make this a real everyday issue. Biscuit consumption in Mediterranian countries has hit an all time low in recent years and it is only biscuit eating subsidies from countries such as the UK that prevent this from becoming a real issue for the powers that be in Brussels.

There have been attempts to rebalance the trend with a new range of magnetic footballing animals given as the "suprise" in Kinder Eggs, however low build quality (no suprise in Spain) in tandem with the dissapointment at not having anything to actually make, have made this approach largely unsuccesful.

Once again we see the Englishman complaining about the state of his existence without any real grasp of the wider picture. His home may indeed be his castle but I suggest leaving the castle once in a while would allow him to realise it's not all a land of milk and two sugars elsewhere."