Does Anyone Have Any Spare Music?


Jul 24, 2007
Warwickshire, England
Hi all.

I've almost finished a clone of 'the' well known puzzle game for GP2X (in order to get back into game programming) and am looking for music. I wondered if anyone here had any music in tracker (MOD) format or MP3 format that would be suitable for such a game that they haven't already released and would be willing to put to this project. The game will be free and credit would of course be given.

A screenshot is attached so you can get a feel. It's quite retro-- The starfield looks and moves just like the old 16-bit demoscene starfields.

Any help much appreciated :)

i have some music in mp3 format but i don't know if it would be suitable (its a full tack not a loop about 4 mins long, plus i don't think it will fit the look of the game), i'll be more than happy to work on something new tomorrow for your specific wants/needs pm me if your interested
Hi guys!

Thanks for all the posts. To the guy who asked, yes, there already are sound effects. A bit more modern and less grating than the old Nintendo style 'bleeps' :)

Thanks for the links too. The reason I'm asking around specifically is so I can get some unreleased music that hopefully hasn't been attached to a game, but I'll definitely go through these sites.

@Norm-- Thanks for the offer. I will check out some of the links above first but some custom music would definitely be ace. I will PM you when the time is right :)
not sure what the copyright issues with stuff from ocremix are but they have some remixes of the tetris theme :)