Emulating Zork ?

Betty 2001

Mar 1, 2003
jlebrech (If you're out there), I read on another link that you are emulating Zork !

Is this true ? How's it going ?

Will it be like the Infocom emulater on the GBA ? Hopefully it will, although for God's sake don't have the keyboard set the same. Have it like Snaff's keyboard on his C64 emulater.

Good Luck !

(Suspect is my favourite adventure).
I'm making another project at the moment, but i will port the infocom interpreter. I dont know how i will emulate a keyboard tho!
In the mean time, have you considered just using the C64 versions of Zork, especially since you want that keyboard? I've only tried the first Zork, it worked okay on the beta 4 of Frodo for me, but I didn't play very far in.
jlebrech posted on Mar 16 2003 said:
I'm making another project at the moment, but i will port the infocom interpreter. I dont know how i will emulate a keyboard tho!
What about the awesome wind-ups keyboard - that's probably one of the easiest and fastest you can get!
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I put the project on hold since i heard there was a gb version. so you could emulate it on vgb.
There is a infocom Interupter which plays all of the infocom games for the gb - so its really a waste of time to do such a port. Or just play the c64 versions.

No offense intended but it seems pointless for you to put all your efforts in this project to find out that it has already been done(and very well).