Fallout 84

Impressive, bit it'd be even more impressive if they'd actually got it to play that music while it played.  AFAIK the Apple II had no sound chip while that sounds like a SID or possibly an AY chip.  What it had was similar to what the ZX Spectrum had, and while polyphonic music was written for the machine, it was pretty much tied up trying to generate all the right clicks at the right time to make that work, and wouldn't have anything like the time needed to render a 3D maze at the same time (and I doubt it sounded that good to be honest).

If the Apple II really can load bitmaps off disc at that speed, that's pretty good though, and the graphic design work is very good.
I have been thinking of getting a mockingboard (or a clone), but it isn't high on my list right now.

While (most of) the Apple II line doesn't have a dedicated sound chip it can still make sound. 8 Bit Weapon, as seen in the video I posted, also released a synthesizer program and drum sequencer for these computers.  These programs were written by Michael J. Mahon.  His site seems to be down right now.  He has done some other cool Apple II related projects.

Sound on the Apple II was done in a primitive, but pretty interesting, way, just like many things with these computers.  As for sound cards, not sure how that sort of stuff works with a IIc since I prefer the others specifically because I can add cards to them.