game controls as a controller?


Still Fresh
Apr 28, 2011
is it possible to install the game controls as a controller? I'm having alot of trouble getting the nubs to be usable in most games which is really annoying. If the nubs could actually be detected by games as actual analogue sticks on a controller it would probably work far better then having the various different clicks assigned to the right nub.
In Xfce, there's an option in the Settings menu, "Nub Settings" - you can set them into joystick mode there, if memory serves. :)
Not sure if it was a dosbox thing or not.. when you specify both Nubs in joystick mode they seemed to be act as the same axis, not two separate axes. Is this just a dosbox thing or do they in fact act as two separate joysticks.
Not sure if it was a dosbox thing or not.. when you specify both Nubs in joystick mode they seemed to be act as the same axis, not two separate axes. Is this just a dosbox thing or do they in fact act as two separate joysticks.
I'm guessing they arent analogue sticks but actual joysticks so in this sense will work on the same axis, in other words its best to only set one to joystick mode
Not sure if it was a dosbox thing or not.. when you specify both Nubs in joystick mode they seemed to be act as the same axis, not two separate axes. Is this just a dosbox thing or do they in fact act as two separate joysticks.
When put into joystick mode, they are two different joystick devices. I haven't played with joysticks in DosBox, but if it is working as you say then it is doing something wrong. That's something that would need to be fixed in DosBox.
Yo dawg, I heard that you like to control your controlls while you're controlling.... etc. etc.