Release Is this another dumb space game? (ITAD S.G. early alpha)


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2011
Milky Way galaxy
I've been working on this game for the Pandora and PC for a while. It's called "ITAD S.G.", which is an acronym for "Is This Another Dumb Space Game?"

Here's a screenshot:


It's incredibly basic right now (just a generic scrolling shooter), but I'd like to show off what I've got so far and get some feedback on how it looks/feels/sounds.

You can download the current alpha version (0.0.1) here:


Just extract wherever and run You can also open a terminal and type "python". This particular version of the source is meant for the Pandora (mostly because the controls are geared toward it). You can download a version with more keyboard-friendly controls here, and there is a Windows build here.

The controls are simple: d-pad navigates menus, B selects, X cancels, Start opens the menu in-game, Esc quits, d-pad or left nub moves player 1, and A/B/X/Y or right nub moves player 2. Shooting is automatic.

Particular things I want to see comments on are:

  • How the asteroids look
  • The sounds
  • How well everything blends together (anything out of place?)
  • The size of the one (non-asteroid) enemy that's currently there (is it too small?)

I'd also like to hear about other things, but just so this topic isn't flooded with useless comments, here's what I don't want to hear about at this time:

  • How bad the yellow box powerup looks. It won't look like that in the finished version. It's an auto-generated placeholder.
  • How bad the shield looks. It looks terrible because I drew it (and "drew" is kind of stretching it; I just used an ellipse tool in Paint.NET).
  • How lame the only enemy currently is. My intention is to make it a little more interesting later (probably just by making it turn around and retreat a la Galaga). I also intend to add some more enemies (though what exactly they'll do is undecided; I'm open to sane suggestions).
  • How boring it is. I intend to fix this later by having a variety of enemies and high difficulty.

So, please tell me what you think. :)
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Trying to run this on windows 7. using the are there any other instructions ??

ooops lol my bad i will have to wait for the pandora to arrive.
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You can run it on Windows if you install Python 2.6 or 2.7 ( and Pygame ( The game is platform-independent. Once you've installed both of these, just double-click and the game will start (you may want to turn fullscreen off, though; edit itad_config.json to do this). The only issue you'll have is the controls, which will seem a bit awkward: End is to select, Page Down is to cancel, and left Alt opens the menu in the game.

I'll be releasing the PC version of this in a bit. It's the same thing, but with controls more oriented for a standard keyboard and windowed mode by default instead of fullscreen.

EDIT: Here's a Windows build:
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The asteroid: It's ok, but it would welcome a little bit more visual information. I wonder about the light, is it generated or baked?

Blending: for now it's all good, we'll have to see after you add a lot of stuff there.

Size of enemy: The size is relative, if you plan to crowd the scene with several squads of this enemies, it's fine. You could also aim at huge enemies that croud the screen and leave little room to maneuver around.