Caanoo / WIZ Java Emulator For Wiz

Coincidentally the specs of the Wiz are basically equal to the baseline specs of Android handsets. I.e. 500 or so mhz ARM CPU, OpenGL 1.1, 64mb ram (of which only 20 or so are available), no swap, etc.

To tell the truth this was actually the reason why I bought the Wiz in first place. Getting Dalvik (Android's Java VM) together with GLES 1.1 up and running on the Wiz looks surprisingly doable. The performance should be comparable to a highly optimized low level emulator which also utilizes OpenGL acceleration. So, 2D stuff should work pretty great and simple 3D games should also work.

So far I only got a rough idea how everything fits together tho. Some of the details look a bit troublesome, but maybe they won't be that much of an issue - can't really tell for sure yet.
running cellphone games was the 2nd reason I got the wiz till I saw theres no app to run em yet :( Wanna play doom RPG on an actual handheld instead of a handset that never has a decent style control system.
so how hard would this be to port to the wiz with 0 coding knowledge, what will I need to learn/read up on
The Nintendo DS has a JVM port that is surprisingly playable with some games. It has no sound but I was playing Assassin's Creed and it actually wasn't a bad game. I too think this would be a cool interpreter for the Wiz.