Jxd Scene Asking For Help!


Still Fresh
Apr 15, 2010
Hey guys!

I'm joanilson, and i have a JXD V3.... it's a powerful hardware with a very poor firmware.
I guess you guys could help us.

Our intention is to port some emulator that it don't have like Neo Geo and CPS1 and CPS2 and doing better emulators than the native ones.

If is anybody interested in helping us, this is some relevant information we have:

Processor: ARM (the same of GP2X and Wiz, and JXD 300, 1000, 2000 and v3 uses, like almost all psp ripoff's)

but gp2x uses Arm-Linux compiler, and jxd's uses Arm-Elf

the toolkit, containing arm-elf compiler, a few libraries, a few demo games source (including a semi-functional doom version) and mingw is here: http://www.2shared.com/file/12209596/465a1d4/spmpdev.html

if any programmer could help us, i would be glad.

i don't have much knowledge about programming, but i guess porting from gp2x or wiz to jxd or any other psp ripoff (that uses the same processor) is not very difficult.... i've already tried, with no success, 'cause i don't know much about it...

thank you guys!
Processor: ARM (the same of GP2X and Wiz, and JXD 300, 1000, 2000 and v3 uses, like almost all psp ripoff's)

Not all of these ARM cpu's are the same.

One ARM is not the same as the next type.