LÖVE on Pyra


Half Pepperoni, All Cheese
Just wondering, what will the performance of LÖVE on Pyra be like, and what's the latest version that will be supported?

Was thinking about using LÖVE for Pyra development so I can maybe actually get stuff done.
Well, here's Mari0 running on the Pandora.
The Pyra should be 3 times better at running single threaded applications so you can get a general idea of how well it should run on the Pyra.
As for latest version, dunno. I think it needs to be compiled from source with lunixboch's's GL shim but should otherwise run the latest.
Latest version of LÖVE should have native GLES2 version, but should also run with latest gl4es (using GLES2 backend and OpenGL 2.0 profile). I had built 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 at least on the Pandora. Most impressive game running on the Pandora is (to my opinion) Spellrazor (using Löve 0.10 iirc). LÖVE needs shaders since 0.9, so I don't think luniboch's glshim will work here.
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I am currently also developing a game in LÖVE (v.0.11.1). Would be awesome, if it works on the Pyra.
So what version of GLES could you get running on the Pyra ? how far up the chain will we be able to get with that
Oh man, LÖVE stopped working for me after a Windows update yesterday. Fortunately, updating my graphics driver solved the problem, but I had to do it through Intel's website, since Windows kept swearing that I already had the best driver.

Just thought I'd share in case anyone else experiences LÖVE issues after an OS update. Gotta check those drivers. I imagine this won't be as much of an issue on Pyra, which due to Linux should have updates much less likely to break OpenGL.
Well, I tried it out. Had to repackage the zip file with --junk to remove the directory

FBnil@devuan:~/TEMP$ zip -j hlm.zip hello-love-master/*
adding: cardbacks.png (deflated 6%)
adding: cards.lua (deflated 67%)
adding: castle.png (deflated 2%)
adding: conf.lua (deflated 48%)
adding: jfontlove.png (stored 0%)
adding: LICENSE (deflated 41%)
adding: main.lua (deflated 55%)
adding: menu.lua (deflated 63%)
adding: prospects.png (deflated 3%)
adding: README.md (deflated 37%)
adding: textbox.lua (deflated 38%)
FBnil@devuan:~/TEMP$ love hlm.zip

But I get a castle for like 1 frame, then a black frame (escape works and returns me to the cli). That's all.. The 1 frame is actually from castle = lg.newImage("castle.png") and not from love.draw()

$ love --version
LOVE 0.9.1 (Baby Inspector)
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Which OS are you using? Elw3 was having issues with LÖVE on a certain distro of Linux, and traced it to a problem with that distro itself.

Maybe try the love file at the jdtay link here? (Shameless plug.)

Addendum: Oh wait, I see you are on LÖVE 0.9.1. I used 11.1. >_>