Mouse Control?


BFG 9000
Sep 6, 2016
So uhhh, I was just wondering how does the mouse control on the Pyra work?
Like say I wanted to play on PCSX-R and wanted to map the nubs to the analogs, how will I disable the mouse cursor movement in the OS itself so I could play without a cursor flying everywhere?

Also another note is on one of the Pyra prototype videos, it has the left nub mapped as the mouse. Some games that use the mouse for turning (such as Return to Castle Wolfenstien?) Wouldn't it make more sense to use the right nub for mouse control?

Thought I'd also mention I never had a pandora therefore I don't know how the mouse was treated on that, and also don't know how customizable it was.
Well right now it's using the same drivers as the Pandora, but that may change, but either way it can be configured anyway you want. you can switch which one is mouse movement and what not.
On the Pandora, both nub can be independantly configured by script. When you launch Return to Castle Wolfenstein, the left nub switched to "absolute" (that is, joystick), and the right nub to mouse to give a PS3/XBox ergonomy.
If you launch FreeOrion (a mouse centric game), the nubs are not changed and you have the mouse has you like it (I have the mouse move on my right nub, mouse click on left for example).

I hope something similar will be possible on the Pyra.
On the Pandora, both nub can be independantly configured by script. When you launch Return to Castle Wolfenstein, the left nub switched to "absolute" (that is, joystick), and the right nub to mouse to give a PS3/XBox ergonomy.
If you launch FreeOrion (a mouse centric game), the nubs are not changed and you have the mouse has you like it (I have the mouse move on my right nub, mouse click on left for example).

I hope something similar will be possible on the Pyra.
Ah yeah that sounds like it works well, how is it scripted though just for curiosity?
Just some command line call. There is a system script to handle the actual switched, so the script that launch the game setup the nubs.
The script also set them back to how they were before the launch at the exit (and newer firmware integrate a failsafe to do it in case of something goes wrong).