Pandora Price: As The Us Dollar Falls...


Jul 30, 2006
Since GBP199 is about US390 these days, will the Pandora's price be fixed to the British pound or stay as what's currently posted on the openpandora site?

...or will resellers in the US sell it for $330 or $390?

<The subject reads pandora wiki when I meant the openpandora site>
Fat Agnus said:
Since GBP199 is about US390 these days, will the Pandora's price be fixed to the British pound or stay as what's currently posted on the openpandora site?

...or will resellers in the US sell it for $330 or $390?

<The subject reads pandora wiki when I meant the openpandora site>

GBP price includes VAT. USD price does not (we don't have a VAT).
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This has been discussed many times already.

GBP 199 includes VAT, but you don't have to pay VAT on exports from Europe, which makes the converted price USD 330.
*I am an uncultured swine of an American*

What is the VAT anyway? Like some way to punish Europeans for being Europeans?
chad78 said:
*I am an uncultured swine of an American*

What is the VAT anyway? Like some way to punish Europeans for being Europeans?
Value added tax (VAT), or goods and services tax (GST), is tax on exchanges. It is levied on the added value that results from each exchange. It differs from a sales tax because a sales tax is levied on the total value of the exchange. For this reason, a VAT is neutral with respect to the number of passages that there are between the producer and the final consumer. A VAT is an indirect tax, in that the tax is collected from someone who does not bear the entire cost of the tax. To avoid double taxation on final consumption, exports (which by definition, are consumed abroad) are usually not subject to VAT and VAT charged under such circumstances is usually refundable.
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I'm not a European, but this is my understanding of VAT:
It's basically a sales tax but each part of production is taxed

Example from Wikipedia:
* The manufacturer pays $1.10 ($1 + 10%) for the raw materials, and the seller of the raw materials pays the government $0.10.
* The manufacturer charges the retailer $1.32 ($1.20 + $1.20x10%) and pays the government $0.02 ($0.12 minus $0.10), leaving the same profit of $0.20.
* The retailer charges the consumer $1.65 ($1.50 + $1.50x10%) and pays the government $0.03 ($0.15 minus $0.12), leaving the same profit of $0.30.

[Edit] Bah! You beat me to it!
Short answer for uncultured American swine: It's like sales tax. Each country has a different rate, usually in the 15%-25% range.

For uncultured European swine, the US does not have a national tax on goods. Most states have a state sales tax, which usually runs in the 3%-9% range. Some states have no sales tax at all. We also have a nifty loophole that allows us to dodge paying sales tax on items shipped from another state.
If any uncultured Australian swine are interested, I did a quick currency conversion from USD and GBP (minus VAT) and the result in AUD is the same (might sound obvious, but it's not always the case).
What about a porcine of the upper class?

Oh, right, no class around here :P

But seriously, it isn't good, I sold my last 4 items on ebay to Brazil and the UK, the dollar must be really weak, especially since the shipping cost 25-30% of the total.
Gruso said:
If any uncultured Australian swine are interested, I did a quick currency conversion from USD and GBP (minus VAT) and the result in AUD is the same (might sound obvious, but it's not always the case).
Go Aussie dollar, go! It hit a 24 year high today!
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CAD is at parity(sometimes higher) then the USD for the first time in decades.

I laughed so hard when I saw one of those little fold out exchange cards on a tourist visited store that said "For our American friends your dollar is worth [90cents] Canadian"
realyst said:
CAD is at parity(sometimes higher) then the USD for the first time in <i>decades</i>.

I laughed so hard when I saw one of those little fold out exchange cards on a tourist visited store that said "For our American friends your dollar is worth [90cents] Canadian"

Kinda hard to keep track of it, since it's been jumping back and forth around parity. It's always nice to see some Americans at the currency exchange window in the airport, looking disappointed with what they got. Other than entertainment, I don't think it has too much effect on other Canadians.
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Paulo Becker said:
The dollar has been steadily losing its value against the Brazilian Real lately, making uncultured Brazilian swine like me very happy.
And the guys who bought my 8800GT and 6600GT very happy as well :D (not to mention I was glad to sell them ;) )
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I have the currency app on my desktop and i was very dismayed when I saw the us dollar creeping down and the canadian dollar creeping up in respect to it...what has this world come to? (lol)
nubie said:
And the guys who bought my 8800GT and 6600GT very happy as well :D (not to mention I was glad to sell them ;) )
Hahahah, I just hope they don't get screwed by the customs office... Whatever we end up saving in the conversion rate, we have to cough up to the damn government in import taxes =/
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60% import taxes, 18% ICMS... heh, one must know how the system works to make it "more affordable" to import expensive stuff :P
but then, with the receita federal strike end, they won't even bother checking all those items ;)
paulo, add me on msn: =`]
I have several thousand dollars in Silver and Gold, and I'm starting to feel good about it.