PC emulator in a browser!


Oct 13, 2009
Fabrice Ballard, the original developer of Qemu, has written a PC emulator running a linux operating system in a browser using javascript:

See Engadget story

It's got shell commands, tcc and even vi.

Edit: Bellard
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Could this be used to emulate DOS games?
I will end you, and no one will convict me.


edit: unless you were being serious, in which case, no, this won't help emulate dos games in any way. Sorry.
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Could this be used to emulate DOS games?
That emulator is as minimalistic as possible, being just as capable as needed to get Linux + Busybox running.

No real mode, no 16-bit protected mode, no segment limit and rights check when accessing memory, no CS/DS/ES/SS segment overrides, no emulated video chip/screen, just a serial output.

I doubt you'll get DOS to run without adding a lot of that missing stuff.